My Personal Core Work Values

Tim Burns
3 min readJun 23, 2024
My Zoom Background: A selfie from a beautiful day with my daughter

Work is a changing process. I have new tasks, colleagues, relationships, and challenges every day. I often try new techniques, solve problems, or adopt new technologies. My first solution is usually a little ugly, especially if I have to learn something new or try a technique outside my comfort zone. I embrace changing my work.

I work with real people; some are great, and others are not. It’s my job to adapt. I’ve never been able to think quickly on my feet. I need to sit on a solution and apply some thought to do my best. As I adapt to change, I use personal core values to decide how to address that change.

Most companies have core values. Sometimes, they make sense to me; sometimes, they don’t. My core values don’t need to reflect my current company’s values. Sometimes, I might find and use another company’s values I like better. At the end of the day, I will use my own.

A while back, I had the goal of working for AWS, and I adopted those values in hopes that during the interview, I could shine and get the job. I had several interviews and was always rejected, and I don’t regret it. I’ve looked at where AWS has gone in the past few years, and they’re no longer innovators. A company needs more than a good set of core values to succeed.

Every company combines the virtues and sins of its founders and the decisions made…

